Thursday, July 5, 2012

Four Years and Counting.

There has been a number of new followers signed up recently so I would like to welcome you.  I started this blog when my husband and I moved here to the backwoods from the city of Edmonton.  In it I chronicle some of the differences between the two homes, our daily activities and my love of quilting. 
We have lived here for just past four years now-a time span that seems almost unbelievable, and each day is still a blessing.  We continue to uncover treasures in the maple bush and even around the house.  My husband just popped in to say that there are some different wildflowers blooming near the composter.
A recent, and unwelcome, addition to the property is a raccoon.  We haven't seen it but it's presence has been felt in a demolished bird feeder, a hole in the chicken's run and the disappearance of some of our vegetables.  We hope he/she gets discouraged and moves on to plumper pastures.
The heat wave is continuing here and I am planning to go to Huntsville to do some shopping after I take advantage of the cooler morning to do housework.  However, I am also waiting for my doctor to phone a prescription to the pharmacy so may have to wait until tomorrow.
While I try and decide, I am going to take my cup of tea outside and look at those flowers.

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