Thursday, February 4, 2016

Watch Out Squirrels

Our Heidi is back to normal: barking at squirrels, begging for treats and being her cute, frisky self.  I contacted her vet today and asked her to make a note on Heidi's file to give her shots on two different days next time.  It was hard to see her be so lethargic.
All ready to play 'throw the pig'.
The fellow came to clear the driveway today so we can get out without having to traverse snow ruts.  We had to dig out my car as the thaw and freeze had it stuck to the ground. I have now moved it to where the ground is higher.  After, the outdoor stuff, I finished doing the baby quilt top and made a banner for our church .  I am going to topstitch the baby quilt on my table machine as I want to follow some of the design on the panel
 I have to go into the village tomorrow to do a bit of shopping and deposit the cheque from the last quilt that sold. I keep forgetting that this is a holiday weekend and was going to go to Huntsville.  I would rather get what we have to have in the village and avoid the crowds.
The warm weather was nice but I am glad to see it settle to seasonal temperatures again. Perhaps I will even be able to get out for a walk tomorrow.

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