Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Changing Trees

The house is clean, the baking is done and I am tired.  It would be nice if I knew it would stay nice and sparkly but if it lasts more than a few days that would be a bonus. I only have to vacuum and clean the kitchen floor.
I finished the binding on my crib quilt last night as well.  I will post it after the recipient has seen it.  I am not sure what I am going to do next.  I am working on a top made from charm squares but also have a batik quilt I want to make, some cushion covers to do and another commission. 
Hubby has been working on our wood for the winter.  We have had quite a bit given to us that only needs to be split.  This will be a big help as he has to go in for some minor surgery in the late fall and won't be able to do anything for a number of weeks.  If the wood is split and piled I can bring it into the house.
Our trees are taking on more colour each day.  Only some of them have started to turn but you can see the others are thinking about it.

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